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Union Officials and Executive Committee Members

Anthony Kendall President

Longley Park Golf Club

Ian Thomas President-Elect

Halifax Golf Club

Glynn Mellor Honorary Secretary

Elland Golf Club

Richard Kaye Honorary Treasurer

Bradley Park Golf Club

Iain Pearson Immediate Past-President

Dewsbury District GC

John Turner Teams and Coaching

Crow Nest Park Golf Club

Craig McMinn Website and IT

Hx West End Golf Club

Gordon Abernethy Dinners Secretary

Elland Golf Club

Jeff Callaghan Fixtures Secretary

Halifax Bradley Hall GC

Richard Hanson Leagues Secretary

Crosland Heath Golf Club

Frank Greaves Marketing & Communications

Huddersfield Golf Club

James Ward Asst. Alliance Secretary

Crosland Heath Golf Club

Allan Woodhead Trophies Secretary

Outlane Golf Club

Andy Marlow Competitions Secretary

Huddersfield Golf Club

Bob Hazelden Union Archivist

Outlane Golf Club

Lindsay Salvini * Junior Order of Merit Administrator

Crosland Heath Golf Club

* Non-Exec Member